Real Citizens Unite
With both political parties now taking advantage of the Supreme Court "Citizens United" decision granting First Amendment rights to corporations and allowing for unlimited anonymous donations to fund political advertising, you just know Congress is going to do zilch to pass a law to overturn it. But there is now a way you can add your name to a petition and find information on events in your own neck of the woods on how to get the ball rolling on a constitutional amendment declaring that money is not speech and corporations are not persons."Thanks to the hard work of local organizers," says Move to Amend's Kaitlin Sopoki Belknap, "Boulder, CO could become the next community to officially join this growing effort. Councilmember Macon Cowles is proposing to place a measure on the November ballot, giving Boulder voters the opportunity to support (the) amendment." Here is where to get involved to help put human rights back where they belong: in human beings. The reason you may not have heard of this group is because the corporate-controlled mainstream media just might not want you to -- and no self-respecting monolith will ever voluntarily give up its God Supreme Court-given right to personhood. Time to show them what it feels like to be dehumanized.
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