-- The shared sacrifice mantra. We can't ask the "less fortunate" to suffer even more without asking the millionaires and billionaires to also suffer just a tad. Because misery loves company. And if Grandma has to endure starvation and eviction and want, then Billionaire Corporate Jet Owner should have to pay "just a little more" to pretend we are all fellow travelers in this Great Journey of Austerity. Again, Obama reminds us that as a wealthy fellow himself, he too will be selflessly paying a little bit more. So everybody shut the hell up and suffer with joy.
-- The false family-government equivalence, again. " A family doesn't run up a credit card bill because otherwise they can't send Junior to college or fix the boiler.... so neither should the government". Bullshitsky. Families can't print money or sell their debt to China.
-- If we Do Something Big It Will Send a Signal. A signal to whom? He didn't say. The mythical fence-sitting independent voters of the Heartland? Nah. Wall Street and corporations making about a third more in obscene profits this quarter and thus are so skittish they're afraid to hire? Yep.
--" I am willing to let my base hate me, so the Republicans should just welcome their base's hatred too." Because even corrupt politicians can totally embrace the misery-loves-company meme? No. Obama doesn't care about Democratic voters because they will hold their noses and pick him over Michele Bachmann. Republicans do care about their base, because it's made up in equal parts of crazy Tea Partiers and K Street lobbyists. More proof that Obama is the antithesis of FDR, who welcomed the hatred of the bankers and was thus labeled a "traitor to his class." Obama kisses the feet of the base bankers who basically are his new base.
--" I am still puzzled by the Republican pattern of voting against all my proposals". Ever heard the word disingenuous, Mr. O? But wait, he also said he never reads articles or watches news shows about himself, so I guess he has virtually no clue about the reality of anything. He said he has a thick skin so the articles he never reads have no effect on him anyway. He has no idea that Mitch McConnell has said the GOP's sole goal is that he not be given a second term. Because he doesn't watch TV. He has no idea.....
-- We should be sure that current beneficiaries of Social Security, "as much as possible", are not effected by changes to the program. So current recipients may be affected just a little and future ones a lot? How very reassuring. Raising the retirement age is just one of many measures that are on the table. No specifics, of course. He is open to means-testing Medicare. He again refers to his own looming 50th birthday and golly, he is going to be getting his AARP card soon, and yep, he's one of those millionaires who might have to be means-tested! (He fails to mention that his health care needs, present and future, will be taken care of by a VIP retirement/benefits package shared by all the miscreants of Congress). But the stenographic press corps chuckles appreciately anyway.
-- Chuck Todd marks the 493rd time he has been called on to the exclusion of 99 percent of the other reporters in the room. Jake Tapper may be tied with him. I don't know.
Did I leave anything out?
Body Language Open to Interpretation (AP ) |
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