Standard & Poors, the same credit rating agency that gave AAA ratings to Enron just a few days before it went bust, the same tool of Wall Street that said subprime mortgage-backed securities were just dandy investments, now runs the United States. Actually, Wall Street and the "jittery investors" and the profit-bloated corporations run the United States, and S&P is just the messenger. Either you lower the deficit by four trillion at the same time you raise the debt ceiling, or we will give you a bad score, USA! The four trillion in cuts, of course, is the same figure Obama has proffered to the Republicans, with no urging from them at all.
He said he wanted a Grand Bargain with revenues, but the latest scuttlebut this morning is that Harry Reid agreed to a 2.7 trillion cut with no revenues. And the world is ending, so President Obama will have no choice but to "cave" to the GOP yet again. And he'll claim he is a responsible adult for doing so, and that he must now be re-elected as the hero who allowed Grandma to get her social security check this month.
This is all pre-arranged bullshit, of course. His only goal is his own re-election and to hell with the Depression and 20 percent real unemployment and actual people. It'll be interesting to see what he will campaign on now. The Joy of Suffering? Masochism for the Masses?
I'd love to see a contingent of congressional Democrats converging on the White House to inform the president that he no longer enjoys support from his own party and should give up seeking a second term. In my dreams of course.
Let's start another thread. The situation will likely be changing by the hour. It's all part of Kabuki Suspense Armageddon Theater, and we're just the little people in the peanut gallery.
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