In the vein of "Inside Job" and "Capitalism: A Love Story" comes a brand new documentary on the class war of the rich versus the rest of us.... from Al Jazeera. Here's the link.
The film, about half an hour long, features footage from the recent Wall Street demonstrations which have not been covered by the mainstream media. There are lots of New York City street scenes juxtaposing the angry mob with the wealthy elites. There is warning of the social unrest to come, from economists and political scientists. There are some "gotcha" interviews with rich people inadvertently gushing about how they are only in it for.... themselves and other rich people! It's Ayn Randism gone wild.
In Washington DC, a female Al Jazeera reporter is shown chasing after Mediscare kingpin Paul Ryan, who desperately hurls himself into a car and slams the door in her face. His operatives chide her for being "rude." These politicians are definitely not used to being treated with anything less than the fawning deference of our homegrown stenographers of the corporate media. Can you imagine Mrs. Alan Greenspan (Andrea Mitchell) stalking Paul Ryan to demand answers on the class war? Me either. Plus, the reporter is Arab. Holy Xenophobia, Batman!
The most infuriating part of the film, for me, comes toward the end. The last scenes showcase graduation ceremonies at the Harvard Business School, the gateway to the world of riches for the spawn of the already fabulously wealthy. One smarmy grad brags that his emails to top CEOs are always returned within 15 minutes. Asked about paying higher taxes for the greater good, he replies in words to the effect "Why should I waste 10 percent of my income on entitlement programs, when that same 10 percent can be turned into a 100 percent return of even more wealth?" The poor and the sick do not generate wealth, so they are not worth it. Somebody finally said it.
The wealthy elites, though, have their own entitlement program, aided and abetted by the lobbyists who write the laws perpetuating callous disregard for others, with the blatant assistance of their Congressional power brokers, the Supreme Court, and the President of the United States.
But regular people are becoming royally pissed off in droves, and in the chirpy words of rich homemaking diva Martha Stewart: "That's a good thing!"
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