While we slog through the Dog Days of Great Depression II (2008 - ) we can at least count on nonstop entertainment The '30s had Shirley Temple and Laurel and Hardy and Charlie Chaplin. We have Michele and Sarah and Mitt and Rick and 'Rack.
First of all, we should all breathe a sigh of relief that Michele Bachmann is not running to replace Judge Judy. As she somewhat tetchily revealed to hard-hitting interviewer David Gregory on Meet the Press Sunday, she is not in the business of judging the gays. She will not necessarily ban gays from her cabinet, as long as they agree with her (anti-gay) views She is running for president, not Judge, David! She reminded him she has raised five uterine children, 23 foster children, was a tax attorney, and has been happily married for 33 years, and that submission means the same thing as respect in her household. And that she is not judgmental. So good. She is absolutely qualified to say she is running for president.
Poor Tim Pawlenty dropped out before he even got started. So no President Pawlenty. T-Paw won't morph into P-Paw. On the other hand, we might just get a P-Rick, as in Rick "Concealed Weapon" Perry, a.k.a. Governor Goodhair of the Banana Republic of Texas. He's been caught joking about secession again, saying we can leave any time we want to. So I guess if he wins, the USA can just secede from itself. Sounds good to me.
And let's not forget President Obama. He is embarking on a three-day bus tour through the Heartland, as I am sure you already know. I kind of thought it was going to be a jobs tour, and that he'd be announcing plans for .... jobs or something. But it's really more like an Empathy Tour, which I guess is as close to Emp-loyment as we are going to see from him. But don't ever call it a campaign tour. Those million dollar buses he's riding in battleground states are not campaign buses. They are Secret Service buses, and will be used for all manner of future presidents and VIPs and such. I don't want to make a big deal out of the $2.2 million cost to the taxpayers of these luxury tanks, because Fox News and Rush are already doing that. But suffice it to say, the ObamaCares Bus does not look like this:
But more like this:
With a luxuriously appointed interior like this:
Complaining about government waste is a waste of breath anyway. Remember when Vice President Joe Biden announced that new Department of Government Waste, Fraud and Abuse, to cut such frippery as those thousands of disgusting 99-cent cute animal websites? The endangered Desert Tortoise was actually also on the Endangered Website List. A double death knell if there ever was one.
That was in June. You will be pleased to know that the Desert Tortoise gov page is still up and running in all its glory. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, home heating assistance will all be thrown under the austerity bus. But the Tortoise is still here. He is protected by his hard shell of resistance. And he still pees copiously on any cruel human hand that dares mess with him. Maybe we should all take a tip from the turtle.
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