Thursday, 12 April 2012

Buffett, Stuff It

You know that when the mainstream corporate press starts snickering behind your back about your latest campaign theme, you have overplayed your hand. Dana Milbank has put up a pretty hilarious post spoofing the president's Buffett Rule and its latest Kabuki manifestation yesterday in the White House: a backdrop of four wealthy "Patriot Millionaires" and their all-girl quartet of photogenic assistants. Milbank referred to them as "Bobbleheads" to describe their synchronized cranial movements every time Barry mentioned how well he and they are all doing. It was, of course, pure coincidence that the Fab Four just so happen to be big Obama donors. The token millionairess in the bunch was heiress Abigail Disney. Obama, in turn, has been a big promoter of the Disney franchise, and recently used the Magic Kingdom as a backdrop in a speech pushing for an expedited visa process to enable opulent foreigners to visit the Stand Your Ground State without having to wait in one of those boring lines like everybody else. 

And one of the walking wealth props, Whitney Tilson, would probably largely escape the Buffett Rule anyway. He has stashed a lot of his cash in offshore tax havens.

Call those who wait in line the Jimmy Buffetts and the privileged few taxomasochists the Warren Buffetts. Milbank suggests that every time the Buffett Rule phrase is uttered, we should all take a drink. Margaritas, Pina Coladas but no Dom Perignon! This presidential campaign between two phony one percenters -- one of whom flagellates himself with a flimsy overcooked piece of angel hair pasta, and the other who has already admitted that he relishes firing people --  sure has me wanting to sing J.B.'s "Why Don't We All Get Drunk."

But since I don't sing well, I wrote this little nursery rhyme instead. If anyone is offended, then I thank you kindly.

The rule they call Buffett,
I'd just as soon stuff it
Right up their political ass.

They'll poop out their speeches,
Those corporate leeches --
Nothing solid -- just more corrupt gas.

Barry and the Bobbleheads (photo by AP)

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