The actors are all dutifully playing their parts in PASS THIS JOBS BILL RIGHT NOW Theater. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doesn't even have the votes to pass it in his own party, so he's stalling. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell knows it can't pass, so he tried to force a vote on it RIGHT NOW. President Obama was out of town, busily raising millions from wealthy donors, so he can keep his own job. It's a race to the top of the pile of gold, and his goal is an unheard of $1 billion war chest. More than 90 percent of the time, elections are determined by who raises the most money -- economy or no economy.
Obama must be concerned about jobs, because when he presented the George W. Bush-contrived Free Trade Trifecta to Congress this week, he made sure it contained a renewal of Trade Adjustment Assistance to compensate the thousands of workers who
The presidential bullshit will take its inspiration directly from the cinematic script. Obama might stage an internet town hall for the newly redundant whose jobs have now been shipped to slave wage factories in South Korea, whose pensions were stolen and now sit in nouveau-legal tax havens in Panama, whose livelihoods were sent to the jungles of Columbia where hired thugs can murder with impunity the trade unionists standing in the way of corporate profits.
He will flash his famous grin and intone: "Anyone who ever built an empire sat where you're sitting right now! Save for college, tighten your belts, win the future." And a group of shell-shocked unemployed people will be sitting in back of him as living prop temps, dutiful grins frozen on their faces, their termination packets containing no federally funded severance pay, in their laps. (I wouldn't be surprised, though, if the packets contained info on how to volunteer for OFA and learn some new skills.)
Obama will then tell them if they want the compensatory benefits he promised them to just CALL CONGRESS RIGHT NOW! And like George Clooney, he will obsessively continue racking up his millions of frequent flyer miles in his obsessive quest to rack up millions of dollars at fundraisers.
Oh, and about that Air Force One. It is manufactured by Boeing, whose CEO just so happens to be the chairman of the Business Roundtable (BRT), Obama's most favorite corporate group, and who just so happened to be the first to congratulate Obama on toeing the corporate line on the new free trade deal. And why not, since Obama named him to the White House Exports Council last year! Who said the deal will cost us jobs, anyway? Not James McNerney of Boeing! According to a statement he put out yesterday, the deal will ADD 250,000 new American jobs. Of course, he may have simply meant the jobs will be provided by corporations who have some of their land holdings within the continental U.S. He did not actually specify the geographical location of the new hives of worker bees. He did not actually mention anything about why the compensation rider for dispossessed American workers was necessary to give Barry some cover with the hoi polloi, either.
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Fingered!!! Free Trade Lovers Caught in the Act |
Remember, it was the BRT that urged Obama to scrap smog emission standards last month by pointing to a study they themselves funded showing it is perfectly safe to breathe polluted air. So I would take McNerney's 250,000 American jobs claim with a huge grain of salt.)
But the NAFTA-like bill enjoys bipartisan support! Isn't that what the pundits tell us we all count as our top priority?
Well, there are skeptics, inconveniently comprised of most labor unions and liberals, who are raining on Obama's feel-good program of fake job creationism in anticipation of the state visit later this month by the South Korean president. "As with any such agreement, there will be winners and losers," according to John Feffer, a Korea specialist at the Institute of Policy Studies. "The problem is that most of the winners are the wealthier players, namely major U.S. and South Korean manufacturers and financial institutions. The losers will be U.S. workers, Korean farmers, probably the environment in both countries."
And then there's chronic spoil-sport Dennis Kucinich, who writes: "Hundreds of thousands of American jobs have been displaced and outsourced as a result of our pursuit of trade policies which are adverse to the economic interests of the American people. My home State of Ohio is one of the top-ten states posting the biggest job losses since the passage of NAFTA."
Hmmm... isn't Ohio one of those battleground states Obama needs for his reelection? Isn't that the state where he posed in front of a crumbling bridge just last week, shouting himself hoarse in his populist rant of PASS JOBS ACT NOW?? Is Dennis Kucinich due for another mystery ride on Air Force One where it will again be explained to him that his seat is in danger of being redistricted out of existence? I don't know. It's all up in the air.
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Outsourcing, Inc. |
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