I don't know about you, but this is the first time in my longish life that I have ever opened a dinner invitation only to find out that it's a bait and switch gimmick to win a coveted date with the man of my dreams -- that first I will have to plunk down 15 bucks and even then, I have only a slim chance of winning dinner with Barack. Wow. And they said the Clintons were tacky for renting out the Lincoln Bedroom.
That creepy email went unanswered by me, and,I suspect. by thousands of other disappointed lovesick "folks" who are aghast that Dear Leader would be renting himself out this way -- because today I got a follow-up missive from Campaign Manager Jim Messina, titled "About That Dinner".
Karen --
You got an email from the President a couple days ago, inviting you to sit down to dinner with him.
(And I didn't even have the decency to RSVP. How veddy rude).
I know some people might think this is just some kind of trick or something. It's not.( Actually, I thought it was totally legit until you brought up the tricky part yourself, you idiot.)
The fact is that someday soon, four people reading this note right now will be on a plane to have dinner with President Obama in Washington, or Chicago, or wherever he might be that day.
(It will definitely be in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina.... or in any battleground state that has a restaurant with a condemned shovel-ready bridge in the background.)
Think about that for a second. The four people who win will sit down with the President of the United States of America -- not for a two-minute photo-op or a quick meet-and-greet, but for a private meal with face-to-face conversation. That's just not something too many people will ever get to do.(Ten minutes for a bolted-down meal sounds so pleasant. What if he asks a question and my mouth is full of chili-dogs or whatever folksy food is on the menu?)
The President obviously has very little time to spend on anything related to the campaign. And this is how he chooses to spend it -- having real, substantive conversations with people like you.
(All those frequent taxpayer-funded Air Force One trips to factories in battleground states have absolutely nothing to do with the campaign. They are high governance in its purest form. And speaking of purest, no purists allowed at this meal. Only centrist pragmatic progressives, preferably from the independent heartland of the polls).
This is really something you should be a part of.(But I won't be, because the odds of this happening are about on a par with getting on "Dancing With the Stars" or being struck by lightning.)
Donate $15 today and you'll be automatically entered for the chance to have dinner with President and three other supporters.(Uh-uh. Worst case scenario is one in six Americans now lives in poverty and if selected, couldn't afford a new outfit for the dinner, let alone gas for the trip to the airport. Let alone the 15 bucks.)
Worst-case scenario: you don't get selected.
But if you donate, you'll have pitched in to support an organization that's funded at the grassroots level by folks across the country -- not Washington lobbyists or special-interest PACs. You'll have given this campaign a boost, however small, to hire organizers, open offices, and build our organization this fall so it's ready for the hard work ahead of us.(There are two campaigns: the folk-funded one using unpaid f***ed folk slaves, and the real one, funded by Wall Street and union-busting billionaire hotel chain heiresses from Chicago.)
And best-case scenario, you'll find yourself sitting across the dinner table from President Obama.(I can think of about a million better case scenarios in my own particular life and in the lives of the American underclass in general, thank you very much).
So give it a shot -- donate $15 or more today:(Why do you always close your emails with just your last name? There has to be some deep and disturbing psychological explanation for it, and frankly, I don't want to know what it is.)
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Reported! The Evil John Bolton Falsely Accuses Obama of Hating Your Guns. |
Speaking of disturbing.... I have been meaning to write about another weird email I got a few days ago from "Messina". It seems he wants folks like me to troll the internets looking for trash talk about Barack and then report back to a very special website to report the trash. It's called AttackWatch.com. and it's filled with scary grainy photos of Obamenemies such as John Bolton, who is spreading the outrageous false rumor that Barack wants to take away everybody's guns! The horror! We certainly have to nip that untrue rumor right in the bud, pragmatists! Because Obama is very much pro-Second Amendment and reneged on his campaign promise to ban assault weapons. He even wants to keep the clips, because the answer to the Gabby Giffords shooting is that we can all just get along in a bipartisanshippy way.
Next thing you know, some evil Teabagger will be spreading the awful rumor that the Dinner With Barack sweepstakes is a scam.
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