You have the ability to reach out to someone who isn't yet invested in this campaign and say, "Hey -- we've got to get started."
Our campaign will not take money from Washington lobbyists or special-interest PACs. You're going to build this 2012 campaign by bringing in more people who share our values. We'll ask them to find a few more. Those people will find a few more -- and after a few million person-to-person connections, we'll have built a grassroots campaign that can change the outcome of an election and change the course of this country.
That's the spirit that drives us.
It all starts with a tap on the shoulder, and your willingness to match someone's commitment. Give it a try.
Okay, this is getting scary. He wants us to believe he has split himself in two and that there are really two Obamas. There's the guy in the White House, who has surrounded himself with lobbyists (David Plouffe, straight from a one-year, million dollar gig at G.E.) and CEOs (Jeffrey Immelt of G.E. is handling the unemployment crisis by shipping more jobs overseas and not paying corporate taxes) and bankers (Chief of Staff Bill Daley of Morgan Stanley) and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (of the Glass-Steagall repeal banking cabal). And then there is that long-forgotten hope-monger who has just been living in the shadows this whole time.
Obama is obviously a puppet of Wall Street, yet he persists in claiming he is not taking any campaign donations from PACs, even as the Democratic Party has already admitted it will be taking advantage of anonymous donations courtesy of the Citizens United decision.
He is still pretending to be a blank slate upon which we can pin our hopes and dreams. And what are his "values"? I wish he would be more specific. But I don't think he knows. I don't even think he wrote the email.
Ralph Nader was right. We need a second political party with a strong labor platform. What we have now is a deeply corrupt duopoly - one united Wall Street front of two slightly different factions, each manufacturing grass-roots movements to retain power. The corrupt politicians are pretending to fight over a manufactured debt ceiling crisis as we slide into a Third Great Depression. All they are doing is the bidding of their masters.
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P.S./Update: Thanks to "P. Kent", who just sent me this video of George Carlin speaking of the Death of the American Dream. RIP, George. Your words are more apt than ever.
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